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Sports injuries are injuries that occur when engaging in sports or exercise. Sports injuries can occur due to overtraining, lack of conditioning, and improper form or technique.

Common sports injuries:

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury that may be associated with playing racket sports. It involves inflammation of the tendons on the outside of the elbow caused by small tears.

Muscle strain occurs when a muscle is overstretched and tears. Symptoms of a pulled muscle may include: pain, swelling, weakness, and difficulty or inability to use the muscle.

A torn ACL is a sports injury that may occur when landing the wrong way, changing direction or stopping quickly, or from a direct blow to the knee. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) helps hold the knee joint together and provides stability. People who suffer a torn ACL may hear a pop and then feel their knee no longer functions. Pain, swelling, and loss of range of motion are symptoms of a torn ACL.

Shin splint symptoms are throbbing, aching, or stabbing pain on the insides of the lower leg. Shin splints are a repetitive use injury that may occur in runners or those who are beginning to exercise. Pain occurs when muscles and tendons around the tibia (the larger of the two lower leg bones) become inflamed

A stress fracture is an overuse injury that occurs when muscles are no longer able to absorb the impact from physical activity, and a bone absorbs the pressure, resulting in a break. Stress fractures can occur when increasing activity, especially too quickly. The majority of stress fractures occur in the lower legs and feet.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). Stress and strain on the feet increases the risk of plantar fasciitis